Life Success Coaching, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Results Coaching, London, Vanessa Hodge

Life Success Coaching
Make Your Dreams Your Reality

Contact Vanessa on 07909 145540 or

"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" - John Lennon

Coaching - How Will It Help Me?

Coaching helps you to gain clarity of thought making it easier to identify and set your goals for all areas of your life and at any point in your life. Now is a good time to start.

The processes used will aim to target your goals and values, and align the two in order to achieve maximum momentum towards that which you most desire, be it personal, professional or both.

How much is it worth to you, to have your dreams come true?

The coaching will enable you to become more aware of the opportunities in your life, often opportunities pass us by because we are not aware of them. Your mind will only search for what it is programmed to look for, a bit like Google, if you put poverty in the search engine, poverty comes up, not wealth and if you put poor relationships in, that’s what you get. So if we put the right words in the search engine of your mind the right things will come up for you.

Be free of unwanted beliefs and behaviours, remove your chains and move forward freely 

We will help and guide you through the changes that you need to make, we completely understand that change can be scary and is often the thing we fear most, because we are stepping out of our comfort zone.

Rest assured, you are in safe hands, once you have taken one small step you have significantly moved forward because your comfort zone is now bigger and brighter and cannot shrink back to its former size, enabling you to be safe & comfortable in your new expanded comfort zone, ready to embrace the new & exciting opportunities now available to you in your life.

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you will be right either way!

With your greater understanding and your mind expanded to new and wonderful opportunities, you will have the choice to take up the new opportunities as they come up or you can decide not to which means you are always in control.

What can NLP help with?


If you have emotional issues to resolve and goals to achieve, this will help you recognise and resolve these issues and to be settled enough within the new you to set your new goals for your life purpose, relationships and your future.


If you have financial goals, this process would enable you to become even more resourceful and aware of opportunities available to you.


If you have business goals, this process would enable you to become even more resourceful, successful, aware of opportunities and able to set and achieve your business goals.


If you have health goals, this process would help you to achieve your goals, whether that is to lose weight, sleep better, reduce your levels of pain or anxiety thus enabling you to enjoy life more.

TODAY Your life is in your hands so …Decide, Commit and Act .

A Decision without Commitment means nothing changes, a Decision and a Commitment without Action means nothing changes…


Decide-Commit-Act-Today = D'CAT

TIME is the one thing we cannot make again, we can make money again, friendships, fitness, businesses the list is endless but time is not, we live in the now, our reality is now it is not the past or the future, so make YOUR DREAMS YOUR REALITY TODAY.

Call 07909 145540 for a confidential chat or to book an appointment.

What is in your future?

What does the future hold for you?


See our free ebooks to help you on your journey towards your dreams & goals.

Our Personal Guarantee

100% Guarantee from Life Success Coaching

We guarantee that you will get value from these coaching, NLP & hypnotherapy sessions, we are so confident about it that we are prepared to offer you a 100% money back guarantee.

Contact Us Today

Decide-Commit-Act-Today = D'CAT

TIME is the one thing we cannot make again, we can make money, friendships, fitness, businesses the list is endless but time is not, we live in the now, our reality is now it is not the past or the future, so make YOUR DREAMS YOUR REALITY TODAY.