Life Success Coaching, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Results Coaching, London, Vanessa Hodge

Life Success Coaching
Make Your Dreams Your Reality

Contact Vanessa on 07909 145540 or

"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" - John Lennon


NLP removes the limitations which people put upon themselves and enables them to use the language of the unconscious mind to consistently achieve their desired results.

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming is a bit like having an instruction manual for the mind.

When we are born we gradually learn how to do many things which we then continue to do automatically or unconsciously for the rest of our lives, however we did not learn these things instantaneously, they took time and practice to perfect, the first time we stood and took our first steps, we fell over, but we took this feedback and off we went to try again and after a short while it just happened we were walking, then running and we haven't consciously thought about it since.

In later life the story is similar, without a manual and a teacher or instructor we could not just jump in a car and drive, but now many of us do it unconsciously everyday of our lives.

Get your own instruction manual for the mind!

NLP can easily and rapidly change the thoughts, attitudes and beliefs with which we live our lives, so imagine that now you could have an instruction manual for the mind which enables you to produce the results and desires within your life that you want, starting today.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming reveals how the mind works, how people communicate with themselves and others and how they represent external and internal events to themselves. All these things greatly affect how you live your life and the results that you get in your life.

Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

What Does The Future Hold For You

Design the future that you want for yourself. Fill your life with the things that are important to you.


See our free ebooks to help you on your journey towards your dreams & goals.

Our Personal Guarantee

100% Guarantee from Life Success Coaching

We guarantee that you will get value from these coaching, NLP & hypnotherapy sessions, we are so confident about it that we are prepared to offer you a 100% money back guarantee.

Contact Us Today

Decide-Commit-Act-Today = D'CAT

TIME is the one thing we cannot make again, we can make money, friendships, fitness, businesses the list is endless but time is not, we live in the now, our reality is now it is not the past or the future, so make YOUR DREAMS YOUR REALITY TODAY.