Life Success Coaching, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Results Coaching, London, Vanessa Hodge

Life Success Coaching
Make Your Dreams Your Reality

Contact Vanessa on 07909 145540 or

"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" - John Lennon

What is Life Coaching?

In every walk of life, those who achieve the highest levels of success, whether that is personal, business, sport or in any chosen field, have a team of coaches and mentors at their side.

Life coaching is essentially guiding you on your journey to achieve your dreams and goals in life.

Discover your hidden potential & achieve it fast

Coaching for success in all areas of your life is a simple 4 step process:
  1. What you think effects how you feel
  2. How you feel effects how you act
  3. How you act or what you act on effects your results
  4. Your results are either what you want of what you don’t want

So, where is the flash light of your mind?

Is it illuminating what you want or what you don’t want?

“Together, we can get you the RESULTS you want”

Coaching is not therapy or counselling. If you believe you need help with a psychological illness, then please find those professionals who can help you specifically with those issues.

Coaching is about helping you to achieve your personal goals, financial goals, relationship goals and business goals by using your own internal resources.

Choosing a Life Coach

It is important that you choose the right life coach for you. Coaching is a partnership between you and your chosen life coach, before embarking on your new journey towards your dreams and goals think a little about the qualities you would want in your life coach.

Why Does Life Coaching Work?

Life Coaching works so well on all areas of your life because

Call Vanessa 07909 145540 for a confidential chat or to book an appointment.

Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

Shed Your Limitations

Shed Your Limitations - Move forward with the life YOU want


See our free ebooks to help you on your journey towards your dreams & goals.

Our Personal Guarantee

100% Guarantee from Life Success Coaching

We guarantee that you will get value from these coaching, NLP & hypnotherapy sessions, we are so confident about it that we are prepared to offer you a 100% money back guarantee.

Contact Us Today

Decide-Commit-Act-Today = D'CAT

TIME is the one thing we cannot make again, we can make money, friendships, fitness, businesses the list is endless but time is not, we live in the now, our reality is now it is not the past or the future, so make YOUR DREAMS YOUR REALITY TODAY.